Tuesday 1 July 2008

The healthy surfing lifestyle!

My eye went bloodshot on sunday night it's a .....
A pinguecula is a yellowish patch or bump on the white of the eye, most often on the side closest to the nose. It is not a tumor but an alteration of normal tissue resulting in a deposit of protein and fat. Unlike a pterygium, a pinguecula does not actually grow onto the cornea. A pinguecula may also be a response to chronic eye irritation or sunlight.....so that'll be the surfing: salt spray, sand, polluted water, staring into sunsets for 30 years

Best thing to do ? GO SURFING! Went in at Woolacombe (2ft ish hardly anyone out) about 3/4 hour in I fell off and got a clip round the ear from my board. Lost all/what little balance I had, luckily it was shallow enough to stand up and after 1/2 a minute of staggering & falling I walked up the beach. My ear was bleeding from somewhere. Sam came and got me & we headed for NDDH A&E. 4 hours later they decided that as the bleeding was coming from INSIDE MY EAR they'd keep me in overnight. This morning I gatecrashed ENT but there was nothing to do and my ear drum is intact - not clear where the blood's coming from. Anyway, now I've got more tinnitus in my right ear than my left. I hope it'll fade in a week or so.

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